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Chapter Seven listings: 11 classes

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

public class Ordering 
     /** Ask the user for three Workers.  Print the one that is
      *  last in alphabetical order of names. */

     public static void main (String[ ] args)
          javax.swing.JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, 
                      "reading 3 workers, printing the last.");
          Buffin infile = new Buffin ("workers.txt");
          Worker first  = new Worker (infile.readLine());
          Worker second = new Worker (infile.readLine());
          Worker third  = new Worker (infile.readLine());
          if (third.getName() != null)  // in case of insufficient input
          {    javax.swing.JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, 
                          "The alphabetically last is " 
                            + CompOp.lastOne (first, second, third));
          System.exit (0);
     }    //======================

public class CompOp
     /** Return the String representation of the last/largest of 
      *  three IComparable values. */

     public static String lastOne (Comparable first, 
                             Comparable second, Comparable third)
     {    Comparable last =  first.compareTo (second) >= 0
                             ?  first  :  second;
          if (last.compareTo (third) < 0)
               last = third;
          return last.toString();
     }    //======================

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

public class PersonnelData 
     private Buffin itsFile = new Buffin ("workers.txt");

     /** Read a file and return the name of the Worker that is
      *  alphabetically first. */

     public String findEarliestWorker()  
     {    Worker answerSoFar = new Worker (itsFile.readLine());     //1
          if (answerSoFar.getName() == null)                        //2
               return "no workers!";                                //3
          else                                                      //4
          {    Worker data = new Worker (itsFile.readLine());       //5
               while (data.getName() != null)                       //6
               {    if (data.compareTo (answerSoFar) < 0)           //7
                         answerSoFar = data;                        //8
                    data = new Worker (itsFile.readLine());         //9
               }                                                    //10
               return answerSoFar.getName() + " is first of all.";  //11
          }                                                         //12
     }    //======================

     private static final int TIME_SPAN = 10;
     private static final int YEAR = 1960;

     /** Read a file and return the string representation of the 
      *  number of Workers born in each of 1960 to 1969. */

     public String countBirthYears()  
     {    int[ ] count = new int [TIME_SPAN];  // all zeros        //1

          Worker data = new Worker (itsFile.readLine());           //2
          while (data.getName() != null)                           //3
          {    int lastDigit = data.getBirthYear() - YEAR;         //4
               count[lastDigit]++;  // error check left as exercise//5
               data = new Worker (itsFile.readLine());             //6
          }                                                        //7

          String s = "";                                           //8
          for (int k = 0;  k < TIME_SPAN;  k++)                    //9
               s += (YEAR + k) + " : " + count[k] + " workers\n";  //10
          return s;                                                //11
     }    //======================

     public static final int MAX_WORKERS = 5000;

     /** Read a file of up to 5000 Workers and display those who 
      *  make more than fifty percent above the average pay. */

     public void printHighlyPaid()
          Worker[ ] item = new Worker[MAX_WORKERS];                 //1
          int size = 0;  // number of workers in the array          //2

          Worker data = new Worker (itsFile.readLine());            //3
          while (data.getName() != null && size < item.length)      //4
          {    item[size] = data;                                   //5
               size++;                                              //6
               data = new Worker (itsFile.readLine());              //7
          }                                                         //8

          double totalPay = 0;                                      //9
          for (int k = 0;  k < size;  k++)                          //10
               totalPay += item[k].seeWeeksPay();                   //11
          double average = size == 0  ?  0.0  :  totalPay / size;   //12

          double highlyPaid = 1.5 * average;                        //13
          String s = "";                                            //14
          for (int k = 0;  k < size;  k++)                          //15
          {    if (item[k].seeWeeksPay() > highlyPaid)              //16
                    s += item[k].toString() + "\n";                 //17
          }                                                         //18
          JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, s);                  //19
     }    //======================

     /** Read a file of up to 5000 Workers and display them
      *  in ascending (increasing) order of birth years. */

     public void printOrderedByYear()
     {    WorkerList job = new WorkerList (MAX_WORKERS);
          Worker data = new Worker (itsFile.readLine());
          while (data.getName() != null  && job.size() < MAX_WORKERS)
          {    job.insertByYear (data);
               data = new Worker (itsFile.readLine());
          System.out.println (job.toString());
     }    //======================
}    //########################################################

class PersonnelDataTester
     public static void main (String[ ] args)  
     {    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, "finding the first");
          String out = new PersonnelData().findEarliestWorker();   
          JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, out);               
          out = new PersonnelData().countBirthYears();//test Listing 7.4
          JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, out);         
          new PersonnelData().printHighlyPaid();  // testing Listing 7.7
          System.exit (0);                                       
     }    //======================

class OrderedPersonnelDataTester
     public static void main (String[ ] args)  
     {    System.out.println ("Workers in order of birth year.");
          new PersonnelData().printOrderedByYear();
          System.exit (0);                         
     }    //======================

public class Worker  implements Comparable
     public static final double WEEK = 40.0; // regular work week
     public static final int NUM_DAYS = 5;   // days in 1 work week
     private String itsFirstName = null;
     private String itsLastName = null;
     private int itsBirthYear = 0;
     private double itsHourlyRate = 0;
     private double [] itsHoursPaid = {8, 8, 8, 8, 8}; // 1 per day

     /** Return the first name plus last name of the Worker. 
      *  But return null if it does not represent a real Worker. */

     public String getName()
     {    return (itsLastName == null)  ?  null
                              :  itsFirstName + " " + itsLastName;
     }    //======================

     /** Return a String value containing most or all of the 
      *  Worker's data, suitable for printing in a report. */ 

     public String toString()
     {    return itsLastName + ", " + itsFirstName + "; born "
                 + itsBirthYear + ".  rate = " + itsHourlyRate;
     }    //======================

     /** Record the hours worked in the most recent day. */

     public void addHoursWorked (double hoursWorked)
     {    for (int k = NUM_DAYS - 1;  k > 0;  k--)
               itsHoursPaid[k] = itsHoursPaid[k - 1];
          itsHoursPaid[0] = hoursWorked;
     }    //======================

     /** Return the Worker's gross pay for the week. */

     public double seeWeeksPay()
     {    double sum = 0.0;
          for (int k = 0;  k < NUM_DAYS;  k++)
               sum += itsHoursPaid[k];
          return sum <= WEEK  ?  itsHourlyRate * sum
                  :  itsHourlyRate * (sum * 1.5 - WEEK / 2);
     }    //======================

     public boolean equals (Worker par)
     {    return par != null && this.itsLastName != null
                      && this.itsLastName.equals (par.itsLastName)
                      && this.itsFirstName.equals (par.itsFirstName);
     }    //======================

     /** Return 0 if equal, negative if the executor is before  
      *  ob (executor has an earlier last name or else the same 
      *  last name and an earlier first name), positive otherwise.
      *  Precondition: ((Worker) ob).getName() is non-null. */

     public int compareTo (Object ob)
     {    Worker that = (Worker) ob;
          int comp = this.itsLastName.compareTo (that.itsLastName);
          return  comp != 0  ?  comp
                  : this.itsFirstName.compareTo (that.itsFirstName);
     }    //======================

     /** Return the Worker's birth year. */

     public int getBirthYear()
     {    return itsBirthYear;
     }    //======================

     /** Create a Worker from an input String, a single line with
      *  first name, last name, year, and rate in that order.
      *  If the String value is bad, the name is made null. */

     public Worker (String par)  
     {    StringInfo si = new StringInfo (par);
          si.trimFront (0);
          if (si.toString().length() > 0)
          {    itsFirstName = si.firstWord();

               si.trimFront (itsFirstName.length());
               itsLastName = si.firstWord();

               si.trimFront (itsLastName.length());
               itsBirthYear = (int) si.parseDouble (-1);

               si.trimFront (si.firstWord().length());
               itsHourlyRate = si.parseDouble (-1);
          if (itsBirthRate < 0 || itsHourlyRate < 0)
               itsLastName = null;
     }    //======================

public class WorkerList 
     private Worker[ ] itsItem;
     private int itsSize = 0;

     /** Create an empty list capable of holding max Workers. */

     public WorkerList (int max)
     {    itsItem = max > 5  ?  new Worker[max]  :  new Worker[5];
     }    //======================

     /** Add all Worker values in the non-null file to this list,
      *  except no more than there is room for in the list. */

     public void addFromFile (Buffin file)
     {    Worker data = new Worker (file.readLine());
          while (data.getName() != null && itsSize < itsItem.length)
          {    itsItem[itsSize] = data;
               data = new Worker (file.readLine());
     }    //======================

     /** Return the average pay for all workers in the list.
      *  Return zero if the list is empty. */

     public double getAveragePay()
     {    double totalPay = 0;
          for (int k = 0;  k < itsSize;  k++)
               totalPay += itsItem[k].seeWeeksPay();
          return itsSize == 0  ?  0.0  :  totalPay / itsSize;
     }    //======================

     /** Return names of workers making more than the cutoff. */

     public String thosePaidOver (double cutoff)
     {    String s = "";
          for (int k = 0;  k < itsSize;  k++)
          {    if (itsItem[k].seeWeeksPay() > cutoff)
                    s += itsItem[k].toString() + "\n";
          return s;
     }    //======================

     /**  Tell whether par is a value in this WorkerList. */

     public boolean contains (Worker par)    // in WorkerList
     {    for (int k = 0;  k < itsSize;  k++)
          {    if (itsItem[k].equals (par))
                    return true;
          return false;
     }    //======================

     /**  Return a new object, a duplicate of this WorkerList. */

     public WorkerList copy()                // in WorkerList
     {    WorkerList valueToReturn;
          valueToReturn = new WorkerList (this.itsItem.length);
          valueToReturn.itsSize = this.itsSize;
          for (int k = 0;  k < this.itsSize;  k++)
               valueToReturn.itsItem[k] = this.itsItem[k];
          return valueToReturn;
     }    //=======================

     /** Tell how many Workers are in this WorkerList. */

     public int size()                        // in WorkerList
     {    return itsSize;
     }    //======================

     /** Return a String value representing the entire WorkerList.
      *  It has one Worker's toString() value on each line. */

     public String toString()                 // in WorkerList
     {    String valueToReturn = "";
          for (int k = 0;  k < itsSize;  k++)
               valueToReturn += itsItem[k].toString() + "\n";
          return valueToReturn;
     }    //=======================

     /** Put the non-null data just before all Workers at the end 
      *  of the WorkerList that have a larger birth year. 
      *  Precondition:  The WorkerList has room for the data. */

     public void insertByYear (Worker data)   // in WorkerList
     {    int year = data.getBirthYear();
          int k = itsSize;
          for (;  k > 0 && itsItem[k - 1].getBirthYear() > year;  k--)
               itsItem[k] = itsItem[k - 1];
          itsItem[k] = data;
     }    //=======================

     /** Put all the Workers in ascending order of birth year.  */

     public void sort()                       // in WorkerList
     {    if (itsSize > 1)
          {    int save = itsSize;
               itsSize = 1;
               while (itsSize < save)
                    insertByYear (itsItem[itsSize]);
     }    //======================

public class Network 
     /** Internal invariant:  The sequence of available Nodes is 
      *  itsNode[0][k] for 0 <= k < itsNumNodes. The sequence of 
      *  Nodes that itsNode[0][k] connects to is itsNode[k+1][j] 
      *  for 0 <= j < n for some n <= itsNumNodes.  The null value 
      *  comes after the last value of each such sequence. */

     private Node [][] itsNode;
     private int itsNumNodes;
     private java.util.Random randy = new java.util.Random();

     /** Return a Position object that produces all nodes 1 at a time. */

     public Position nodes()
     {    return new Position (itsNode[0]);
     }    //======================

     /** Create a random Network with 6 to 15 Nodes, about half
      *  blue, and with 3 connections per Node on average.  No Node 
      *  connects to itself.  This is the only method you need to 
      *  replace if you want to obtain Network data from a file. */

     public Network()
     {    itsNumNodes = 6 + randy.nextInt (10);
          itsNode = new Node [itsNumNodes + 1][itsNumNodes + 1];  
          for (int k = 1;  k <= itsNumNodes;  k++)
               itsNode[0][k - 1] = new Node ("Node#" + k, 
                              randy.nextInt(2) == 1, itsNode[k]);
     }    //======================

     /** Choose about 3 nodes at random for each node to connect to. */

     private void decideWhichConnectionsNodesHave()
     {    for (int k = 1;  k <= itsNumNodes;  k++)
          {    int j = 0;
               for (int conn = 1;  conn <= itsNumNodes;  conn++)
               {    if (randy.nextInt (itsNumNodes - 1) < 3 && conn != k)
                    {    itsNode[k][j] = itsNode[0][conn - 1];
     }    //======================

// The following are supplied only to allow Network to compile

public class Position 
     public Position (Node[] list)
     }    //======================

public class Node   // just so Position will compile
{    public Node (String name, boolean blue, Node[] list) 
     }    //======================

public class Add
     /** Print the total of the values in the command line arguments.
         Precondition:  All arguments are parsable as doubles. */

     public static void main (String[ ] args)     
     {    double total = Double.parseDouble (args[0]);
          for (int k = 1;  k < args.length;  k++)
               total += Double.parseDouble (args[k]);
          System.out.println ("The total is " + total);
}    //=======================

public class Queue extends java.util.ArrayList
     /** Create an empty Queue. */

     public Queue()  
     {    super();   // just to remind you of the default constructor 
     }    //======================

     /** Tell whether the queue has no more elements. */

     public boolean isEmpty()
     {    return size() == 0;
     }    //======================

     /** Remove the value that has been in the queue the longest
      *  time.  Throw an Exception if the queue is empty. */

     public Object dequeue()
     {    return remove (0);
     }    //======================

     /** Return what dequeue would give, without modifying
      *  the queue.  Throw an Exception if the queue is empty. */

     public Object peekFront()
     {    return get (0);
     }    //======================

     /** Add the given value to the queue. */

     public void enqueue (Object ob) 
     {    add (ob);
     }    //======================

All information Copyright (c)1999 - Dr. William C. Jones, Jr.
Layout and Design Copyright © Psumonix, LLC. All Rights Reserved.