Assignment 7

A106 Introduction to Computing, Spring 1999

Sections: E127, E129, E133, E135

Due: The end of the lab session, Mar. 23 or Mar. 24

E-mail, Wizards, Applets and Templates

  1. Send me an e-mail message with your name, e-mail address, and section number. My e-mail address is I will reply by e-mail, sending you an individual code number. Print the code number.

  2. Perform Activity 6.10 (pp. 115-117 of the lab manual) and print the resulting letterhead.

  3. Time permitting, perform the activities 6.1 to 6.9 on pp. 100-114 and the exercise marked "On Your Own" on pp. 114-115. There is no need to print anything. An attempt to save a template may fail. Printing MYLETTER.WPS in the lab may yield a poor-quality hard copy.

  4. In the MS Works Word Processor, create and print a cover page for this assignment. Don't forget to type in a brief one-paragraph description of Assignment 7.

  5. Turn in the cover page and the printouts, preferably, stapled together with the cover page on top.