Assignment 5

A106 Introduction to Computing, Spring 1999

Sections: E127, E129, E133, E135

Due: The end of the lab session, Feb. 23 or Feb. 24

Proofing and Refining

  1. Perform the activities 5.1 to 5.10 from Chapter 5 of the lab manual (pp. 79-94).

  2. Perform the case study described on pp. 95-96 and print the resulting version of the document FINRPT.WPS. The name "Sandra A. Williams" should be replaced with your name.

  3. Use the MS Works Word Processor to create and print a document (call it QC5) that will contain the text of the questions 1, 2, 4, 6, and 7 from p. 98 of the lab manual and your answers to those questions.

  4. In the MS Works Word Processor, create and print a cover page for this assignment. Don't forget to type in a brief one-paragraph description of Assignment 5.

  5. Turn in the cover page and the printouts, preferably, stapled together with the cover page on top.