Assignment 1

A106 Introduction to Computing, Spring 1999

Sections: E127, E129, E133, E135

Due: The end of the lab session, Jan. 26 or Jan. 27

Surfing and Searching the World Wide Web

  1. Using the Netscape web browser, access the AltaVista search engine at Search the World Wide Web for sites devoted to your favorite movie actor or actress. Among these sites, choose the one you like the most and print its front page. Quit Netscape.

  2. Perform the activities described in Chapter 1 of the lab manual (pp. 1-8): Start MS Works, close the startup box, explore the menus, minimize, maximize, restore, and resize the Works window, quit Works.

  3. Make a copy of the Data Disk that came with the lab manual. (The instructor will explain the details in the lab.)

  4. In the MS Works Word Processor, create and print a cover page for this assignment. (The instructor will show you how it's done. Don't forget to type in a brief description of the assignment.)

  5. Turn in the cover page and the printout, preferably, stapled together with the cover page on top.