You should returns all projects prints with input and output.


Project 1  Due Feb

1.      Write a class that maintains the top ten scores for a game application, implementing

the add and remove methods using a singly linked list instead of an array


2.        Perform the previous project, but use a doubly linked list. Moreover, your implementation of remove(i) should make the fewest number of pointer hops to get to the game entry at index i.


Project 2  due   Feb 24th

Design an ADT for a two-color, double-stack ADT that consists of two stacks—

one “red” and one “blue”—and has as its operations color-coded versions of the

regular stack ADT operations. For example, this ADT should support both a

redPush operation and a bluePush operation. Give an efficient implementation

of this ADT using a single array whose capacity is set at some value N that is

assumed to always be larger than the sizes of the red and blue stacks combined.

Project 3       due  March 9th

P-7.58  Implement an experiment, using techniques similar to those in section 4.1 to test the efficiency of n successive calls to the add method of an ArrayList, for various n, under each of the following scenarios:

a.       Each add takes place at index 0.

b.      Each add takes place at index size( ) /2.

c.       Each add takes place at index size( ).

Analyze your empirical results.

Project 4       due  March 23 rd

Implement insertion, selection, merge and quick sorts. Perform a series of benchmarking tests to see which one is faster. Your tests should include sequences that are “random” as well as ”almost” sorted.


Project 5     due  April 13th

p-8.65         Write a program that takes as input a fully parenthesized , arithmetic expression and convert it to a binary expression  tree. Your program should display the tree in some way and also print the value associated with the root. For an additional challenge , allow the leaves to store variables of X1, X2 , X3 and so on, which are initially 0 and which can be updated interactively by your program, with the corresponding update in the printed value of the root of the expression tree.


Project 6       May 4th.

1.     Implement the graph ADT using the adjacency list structure.

2.     Implement the graph ADT using the adjacency  matrix structure.